A Unique Approach to Training for Climbers

As a climber and athlete you know how important physical training is…

You climb as much as possible. Maybe you’ve spent hours hangboarding and lifting because that's what makes you physically stronger. But have you dedicated time to intentionally training your mind?

  • Do you struggle with climbing anxiety or redpoint jitters?

  • Does fear of falling prevent you from trying hard?

  • Have you hit a performance plateau, even with consistent physical training for climbing?

  • Do you sometimes feel burnt out on training, frustrated or you’re losing motivation for climbing?

Many climbers struggle with these mental challenges, leading them to feel frustration or dread or fall out of love with the sport.

What if there were no more struggles with nerves, burnout or plateaus?

What if there was a way to be motivated, focused and confident climbing on a regular basis?

With Mind Athlete, you can boost your performance by training your mind together with your body.


  • Climb with strength, power & focus

  • Manage fear of falling

  • Overcome frustration

  • Reduce redpoint anxiety

  • Trust your climbing movement

  • Develop confidence through technical skills & strategy

How do we work together?

I create customized training programs to meet your individual needs. If you’re interested in working together, please click ‘apply now’ to fill out the training questionnaire. I will review your questionnaire to determine what I believe will be the best fit for supporting your training goals and follow up with you via email.

Once we begin working together, we determine frequency and method of communication – zoom, phone, in-person, email.

Mental training saved my relationship with climbing.

Hi, I'm Josie and I'll also be your coach as you train to improve performance and enjoyment in your climbing.

From 2015 to 2017, the combination of search and rescue work, constant pressure to perform in my personal climbing and being involved in a terrible incident, all but destroyed my relationship to climbing. I was constantly stressed and dreaded going climbing. (Find out more about my story here.)

I never want other climbers to end up where I was. That’s why I’ve devoted my career to helping others through mental training and preparation for climbing.